Providing Safe and Reliable Marine Transportation Across the Gulf Coast
Health Safety Environment | C & G Boats

Health Safety & Environmental

The business model at C & G is grounded in a culture which places health, safety and the environment first. As a foundation to maintain solid health and safety practices and strong environmental standards, C & G uses a simple common sense approach to address each task or job with an appropriate job safety analysis (“JSA”). A well-founded JSA promotes the buy-in of all C & G’s workers at every level and instils upon its workers a responsibility to create and maintain safe working conditions for every task or job and an ownership in the environmental surroundings.

C&G and its affiliated companies strive to be an industry leader in health and safety practices and environmental standards. C & G believes that strong HS & E performance is an integral part of efficient and profitable business management. C & G has continuously improved its HS & E performance by a determined commitment to the following principles and factors:


Our promise to the environment is second to none and is supported by the requirement that each worker recognize the importance of all environmental concerns even where there is competition with economic factors.

Behavior Based Safety Programs

Our behavior-based programs - B.O.A.T.S (Boosting Overall Attitudes Thru Safety) - advise each worker of the safety, health and environmental requirements and hold them accountable for their performance.

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

Each job or task starts with a good and detailed Job Safety Analysis.

Stop Work Authority

Stop Work Authority assures that if a potential hazard it too much to overcome, the job is stopped and another solution is developed to get the job done.

OSHA Statistics

Objective evidence of C &G’s strong HS & E programs is found in its low number of recordables and TRIR experience.